Life in the Carpool Lane
Life in the Carpool Lane
Season 2 Trailer
Season One of "Life in the Carpool Lane" is behind us but we still have miles to go and I'm excited to see where the next season takes us.
The first season was all about connecting with random individuals who I drove around in my Uber.
This experience got me thinking more about the carpool lane and why it was created in the first place. Well, other than trying to save the planet, of course, the idea was about going somewhere with someone else with a purpose and ultimately a destination.
So where are we going in season two? We're going to keep carpooling alright, but were' going to step outside the car for a moment and take on the kind of advenutres that many of us think about but rarely attempt.
From training for a half marathon in 30 days to taking the stage at a comedy club on open mic night to embarking on a real-life Bigfoot hunt.
Curiosity is just the start; and gets you nowhere unless you take action. I'm ready to jump in head first and start learning to thrive in the thrill of uncertainty.
So tell a friend, buckle up, and get comfortable. Welcome to Life in the Carpool Lane. Your driver has arrived.